Raseborg Castle

Now you can get a guided tour of Raseborg Castle in your mobile phone.
Watch it as a video at www.mobiguide.fi/m.

The guide consists of three parts:

1. The History of the Castle, 2. The People of Raseborg, 3. Raseborg Past and Present ).

The guide lasts approx. 10 minutes. Watch to the whole guide or just the parts which interest you most. Normal mobile charge costs apply.

The guide has been produced in cooperation with the Town of Raseborg, the Alla Tiders
Raseborg project, The National Board of Antiquities, Raseborg Gillet and Ekenäs Museum.

For more information about the Ruins of Raseborg visit the following sites:
The Ruins of Raseborg, Ekenäs Museum EKTA and The National Board of Antiquities.
In the summer you can take a real guided tour. For tour information, contact Slottsknektens stuga.